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Point Objects

Point objects represent 2D points or vectors--depending on how you interpret them; their internal representation is identical.

While such points could be represented by Python tuples, this special object type requires less memory and overloads some arithmetic operators. A point object is represented by two C `float' numbers, one for each cartesian coordinate.

Point objects are immutable.


There are two constructor functions:

Point(x, y)

Return a point object with the coordinates x and y. If called with one argument, the argument must be a sequence of two numbers. This form is called a PointSpec

Polar(r, phi)

Return a point object for the polar coordinates r and phi. If r is omitted, it defaults to 1.0.


A point object has two (read only) attributes:


The X-coordinate of the point as a python float


The Y-coordinate of the point as a python float


A point object has these methods:


Return a unit vector pointing in the same direction. If the point's length is 0, raise a ZeroDivisionError.


Return a tuple (r, phi) containing the polar coordinates of the point. phi is in the range -pi to pi. If r is 0, so is phi.


Point objects implement both the number and the sequence protocol for Python objects. This allows the following operations:

Number Protocol


The same as P.


The negated vector P. The same as

Point(-P.x, -P.y)

P1 + P2

The sum of the vectors P1 and P2. The same as

Point(P1.x + P2.x, P1.y + P2.y)

P1 - P2

The difference of the vectors P1 and P2. The same as

Point(P1.x - P2.x, P1.y - P2.y)

P1 * P2

The dot product of the vectors P1 and P2. The same as

P1.x * P2.x + P1.y * P2.y


The same as

Point(NUMBER * P.x, NUMBER * P.y)


The same as

Point(P.x / NUMBER, P.y / NUMBER)


The length of the vector P. The same as math.hypot(P.x, P.y).

Sequence Protocol


Always returns 2.


For i either 0 or 1, this is the same as P.x or P.y respectively. For other values of i raise an IndexError exception.


Return the coordinates of P as a tuple (P.x, P.y).

x, y = P

Unpack the point P. Equivalent to x, y = tuple(P)

P, P1 and P2 are point objects, NUMBER is any number that can be converted to a float.

abs, tuple, len and math.hypot are the standard Python functions of that name.



This is Point(0, 0)


The point type object.


While point objects are the standard representation for a point, it is sometimes inconvenient (particularly if you are computing the individual coordinates separately) to create a point object just because a function requires that argument type. Therefore, some functions also accept a PointSpec instead.

An argument that is supposed to be a PointSpec can be either a point object or any sequence of two numbers. Here, number means any object that can be converted to a `double' in C. You could use e. g. a tuple of floats or ints instead of a point object.

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